what are source and sink connectors ?
→ source connectors pull data from an external system ( the source ) and write it to kafka-topics
→ sink connectors read data from kafka topics and push it to external system ( the sink )
→ each connector is unidirectional, you can’t go against the flow.
now we will try to send from source file test.txt to sink file test.sink.txt
source connector configuration
# name can be anything
name=local-file-source#kind of connector
connector.class=FileStreamSource# instance of source connector that should run in parallel
tasks.max=1# connector will read from this input source
file=D:\\LOGS\\test.txt# connector will send output to this topic
# name can be anything
bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092key.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConvertervalue.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverterkey.converter.schemas.enable=truevalue.converter.schemas.enable=true# important field
start the connector standalone
> cd bin\windows
> .\connect-standalone.bat ..\..\config\connect-standalone.properties ..\..\config\connect-file-source.properties ..\..\config\connect-file-sink.properties
check the console consumer
> cd bin\windows
> .\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic connect-test --from-beginning{"schema":{"type":"string","optional":false},"payload":"foo"}
check the consumer groups
> cd bin\windows
> .\kafka-consumer-groups.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --listconnect-local-console-sink
describe consumer groups
> .\kafka-consumer-group.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:90922 --describe --group connect-local-console-sink
lets understand the above output:partition = 0 # therefore one partitioncurrent-offset = 42 log-end-offset = 42 # if lag = n , then current-offset += nlag = 0 # 0 indicates there's nothing to process
to bring data from broker to consumer
lets understand the above imagepartition=0
current-offset=20 # notice that 20 and 42 are different
log-end-offset=42 # log-end-offset and current-offset don't match
lag=22 # 22 data is being processed
now lets add the contents to test.txt source file ( make sure to hit enter in the file )
Happy Learning….
thats’ all folks … take it easy