Node-Red | InfluxDB | Grafana

2 min readFeb 6, 2021


lets kick in

we will be using node-red , influxdb and grafana for this cool Time Series based project.
well lets have a small explanation of these tools…


It's a Browser based editor and programming tool for wiring together hardware devices.


its a time series database optimized for HA storage and retrieval of time series data in fields like IOT sensor data, real time Analytics.


Grafana provides the visualization of data from various data sources like influxDB , Prometheus... etc


lets spin off influxDB and grafana using docker images.
lets write the docker-compose file.

checkout the github code

$ docker-compose up -d --build$ docker exec -it influxdb bash
# influxd
# influx
> show databases
> create database WEATHER
> show measurements
> show field keys
> select * from TANK_PRESSURE
> select * from pi_sensor

Note: TANK_PRESSURE and pi_sensor are the measurements coming from node-red which come under WEATHER database.

setup of influx data source in node-red

setup of influx data source in node-red

wiring from source to db

github code

the node red flow can be imported from this gist



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